Millars flat to Bluff …

Departed Millars Flat campsite with a very wet tent , destination was a beekeeping colleague from a spot near Gore , teed up by Peter Ward.

The ride started with an interesting climb over an almost careless road and from the top it revealed the expansive rolling country that is Southland with a spectacular range of mountains to the east , the so called “ Blue Mountains “

Finally got to Carne Clissolds farm in the late afternoon and was very happy that we had one other point of common interest apart from bees , in this case meat . He had a particularly delicious chunk that was cut into some fantastic steaks for dinner . A man after my own heart .

We had guests for dinner , one Frances Trewby and her husband Alan and it was an interesting evening . Frances I know from way back , an active beekeeper who served the industry in various capacities. She is still breeding queens . It was an appreciated evening , thoroughly enjoyed .

Left Carnes place with the final push south to Bluff . What may have been a pleasant ride was rather spoilt with strong adverse winds and sleety rain . Finally arrived at Invercargill in the afternoon to Murray and Pam Ballantyne’s home . Wonderful to get inside into a warm place and enjoyed an interesting evening of catching up with apiary news .

Pam’s a marvellous cook and we enjoyed a lovely lamb roast before I took my very weary bones off to a top class bed.

Woke early with my southern most mission on the top of my mind . I had a final 39 km ride out to Stirling Point at Bluff with a shuttle that was picking up at 9 am . I left Murray’s at about 7 am in pitch dark and cold as brass monkeys balls and felt my way out of town using google map instructions . Took me up a farm track from which I beat an unhappy retreat , but finally dawn broke and I found a cycle trail on the last section of the highway to bluff . Arrived in plenty of time for my shuttle back to the CBD .

My turning point , from here I need to head north to Mossburn then Mavora Lakes road and Walter Peak , before the Earnslaw to Queenstown .

Meandered round town looking to catch up with Matt Zenovich , and thought a bike shop was the best place to enquire . As luck would have it I walked strait into the very place he works , Tin arse luck . Matt’s easing up on racing and his international career but still looks pretty fit . Was a nice catch up , Matt’s now 30 ! Not the boy anymore .

Was a pleasure to be hosted in Invercargill by Murray and Pam . Great conversations and with the sudden cold conditions I was pleased to be NOT TENTING . They gave me a wonderful welcome and I enjoyed my stay .


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